Wedding Planning Tips: Gift Registries, Wishing Wells and How to Inform your Guests

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Congratulations, you are engaged and clearly the wedding planning process is in full swing. The budget has been agreed, the theme and style of your wedding has been identified and no doubt your ‘storyboard’ for your unforgettable day is a work in progress with the wedding planner of your choice. With your venues booked for both the ceremony and reception it is time to address your guest list and the issue of “gift registry v wishing well”.

These days it is not uncommon for couples to opt for a “wedding wishing well”, however there are those who still prefer a traditional gift registry option and today, more than ever, there are many options ranging from the general ‘in store’ registry, dedicated specialist registries, through to premium brands e.g. Tiffany’s et al as well as the reliable online wedding registries that are tried and true. Recently we have also seen the emergence of a flexible online registry that caters for multiple choices e.g.: a gift registry and or wishing well or a combination of both. One in particular that has had a major impact in the market place is the “EasyRegistry”.

EasyRegistry Logo. Online Wedding Gift Registery

The unique aspect of this registry vs the more traditional registry, and particularly ones through retail stores, is no matter what you and your partner choose the EasyRegistry option allows for you to add any item of your choice with an image and its authenticated pricing from which your guests can then choose to contribute – or not, saving you some considerable  “etiquette” dilemmas.


EasyRegistry makes it simple for your guests to view your gift list and see in real time what has not yet been bought for you. This means you won’t receive identical gifts, which you need to return to a store, as would be the case without a registry. With EasyRegistry your guests are offered a range of ways to pay for your gift – credit card, bank transfer, PayPal and even cash on the day – whatever is most convenient for them. One of the most loved features of the EasyRegistry is the ability for multiple guests to share the cost of a more expensive gift. They can contribute as much or as little as they are able and that amount is deducted off the balance of the gift. For example, 5 guests could each contribute $100 to purchase a gift on your registry that may cost $500. Along with your gift, guests can submit a personalised message wishing you and your partner all the very the best for your new life together. You can view your unique list of all the messages and gifts your guests have sent – which makes it very easy to send out your thank you cards after your big day – don’t forget thank you cards are still in style and should be attended to no later than two months after your wedding day.

The appeal of the EasyRegistry option is that there is no “wishing well” to be ‘secured’ on the day of the wedding itself at the reception and no matter the guest participation it’s a discreet way of requesting your guest’s contribution.

As with any wedding supplier or vendor and that goes for online registries too, confirm in writing the specifics of your contract, costs and payment schedules as well as insurances so as to ensure there is no down the line misunderstanding or disappointment. Always read the fine print and if in doubt ask until you have the necessary and qualified information in writing before you proceed with a commitment.

No matter whether you have chosen to opt for a wishing well, a gift registry or a combination of these we suggest that you first and foremost decide how you will inform your guests of your choice and how they may access your preferred option. Your message regarding your preference for your unforgettable day should be positioned as a request as opposed to an obligation. The tone and language you use to inform your guests is critically important to the flow, tone and pace of your day – the request should be completely transparent so that guests are welcome to still buy you a gift or participate in your preference of the wishing well.  Try and place significant emphasis on your preferred choice as  ‘simplifying things’ for all the guests, freeing everyone up to then relax and just enjoy the wedding journey without stress.

Most guests will more than likely be relieved that you have taken the time to organise a register for gifts or the wishing well option as they will see that it takes the guess work out of it for them. When choosing gifts be sure to cover a wide price range to accommodate all budgets – while some guests will want to buy you something super fabulous others may not be in a financial position to be so generous particularly if your unforgettable day is also a destination wedding. Consider too the relationship you have with all of your guests – your closest of friends and family may wish to contribute lavishly to your gift or wishing well even if they have contributed to the wedding day and budget however you could not reasonably anticipate something expensive from a distant relative or co-worker – so consider your “wish list” carefully and make sure there is something for everyone, regardless of your preferred option.

Finally, “etiquette” would suggest that it is inappropriate to put any information about your gift registry on your wedding invitations. If you must include a note with your invitation it is highly recommended that you add an additional enclosure card with separate return envelope and include specific details and a link to the relevant website or other instructions in a discrete, thoughtful and clear manner. Please do not include your full registry list. Being respectful and considerate is always in style so lead the way and have an unforgettable day – your way – without fuss.



Disclaimer: LUXE – Unforgettable Events’ operational policy is that we do not receive commissions or participate in any form of financial compensation from any suggested suppliers, vendor or venues for recommendation of “their” respective service or product. LUXE – Unforgettable Events merely endeavors to develop professional engagements across the wedding and event landscape according to best business practice to ensure our clients have the most diverse, informed, reliable, satisfying, cost effective and unforgettable wedding/event planning options and an ‘on the day’ experience that is in keeping with our commitment to “excellence” in performance of service for all our valued clients.

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